Sunday, November 9, 2008

Don't They Speak African Over There?

UPDATE: It seems that this story about Palin is a fabrication.

In the wake of the election, embittered McCain aides and others are opening the floodgates of recrimination against Sarah Palin. It appears that Ms. Palin was unaware that Africa is a continent, rather than a country.

I have sympathy for the campaign aides who had to deal with this fundamental lack of knowledge; I face the same kind of thing every single day. On the other hand, I teach eleven-year-olds, so their ignorance is not an indication of their own personal failure so much as an indication of what I need to teach next week. (Admittedly, some of my students will end the year not knowing the difference between a continent and a country, despite my best efforts. Perhaps they, too, can run for Vice President of the United States.)